Saturday, May 3, 2008

PAULINE BLACK - I Threw It Away (7" Single)

In 1983 ex-Selecter vocalist Pauline Black released I Threw It Away, a soulful single that traded in the two-tone ska of her previous band for more of a pop type of balladry. The song is a perfect showcase for Black's one-of-a-kind vocals, and was later covered by Joe Cocker!

The B-side is a fun, synthy cover of I Can See Clearly Now.

Pauline Black - I Threw It Away (7" single, 1983)

Track listing:
1 - I Threw It Away
2 - I Can See Clearly Now


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this! Her post-Selecter stuff is really interesting.

Love the blog, always looking forward to your postings.

Frank K said...

You're welcome! Yes, it's a shame more people haven't heard what she did after The Selecter. Most of it was never released at the time it was recorded, and you can only find some of it scattered throughout various compilation CDs.

Anonymous said...

Is there any possibility, you could repost this single?
And have you got a vinyl-rip of her single shoorah shoorah with the B-side "Call of the wild"?
Both singles are very hard to find.